Buffet E11 Clarinet

The Buffet E11 intermediate clarinet is recommended by music teachers because of its easy response and remarkable accuracy, which helps the musician develop his musical talent. The E11 clarinet is made from grenadilla wood; this special wood is found in the forests of Mozambique and Tanzania. Grenadilla wood is known for its resonance and stability, making it an ideal material for musical instruments.
Whatever his or her level, the musician will appreciate the feel and the acoustic qualities of the Buffet E11 clarinet. The bore (internal diameter) has been specially designed to provide easy response, flexibility and even performance in all registers.
Throughout its long lifetime BUFFET CRAMPON has developed the most complete range of clarinets and saxophones, while always taking musicians', conductors' and composers' requirements into consideration.
For more information on Buffet clarinets, visit www.AndysMusicOnline.com, or call Andy's Music at 251-633-8944.
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